Main Street Connections, LLC • Jackson, TN
Siemons Intelligent Infrastructure Management
Next Generation IIM for Physical Layer Network Management
Authorized Dealer & Distributor & Certified Installer • SIEMON
Intorducing MapIT G2, a complete upgrade of Siemon's popular MapIT intelligent ingrastructure management (IIM) solution. MapIT G2 integrates a powerful combination of innovative Smart Patch Panels, user-friendly Master Control Panels and MapIT software to provide real-time tracking and reprting of network-wide physical layer activity. This benchmark IIM system offers truly unparalleled ability to manage a complex network.
- 28% of downtime in data centers is due to change and human error
- Every hour of downtime costs $100Ks
- 49% of Fortune 1000 IT managers listed reducing cost as top priority
MapIT G2 Higlights
MapIT gives you complete visibility and control of your entire physical layer network - from your corporate data center to a small branch office halfway around the world - and everything in between. Through the combination of powerful MapIT software and innovative smart connectivity, you can easily monitor every channel in real time, centrally managing even the most widespread network assets.
Detailed network views
Hierarchical views lay out your entire network, from rack and cabinet ingrastructure views, to work area dn floor layouts - all with complete circuit diagrams, including active equipment. This information can even be displayed locally on MapIT G2's LCDequipped Control Panels and Smart Patch Panels.
Database Accuracy
All network information is stored in a MapIT database, which is automatically updated in real time as moves, adds and changes are made, ensuring that the network condition is known at all times.
Maximizes Utilization of Networking Assets
Utilization reports let you see available switch or patch panel ports. End devices can be tracked by location, equipment type, manufacturer, service or other criteria, providing better visibility and management of these crictical assets.
No matter its size, managing a network is about anticipating problems before they happen, solving them quickly if they do and ensuring that everything is done right. MapIT G2 provides a host physical layer management cpabilities to help organize your network for peak perfomance and tools to make sure it stays that way.
Reduce Downtime
MapIT G2 circuit trace capability quickly indentifies the location of a fault in a channel - information can be displayed on MapIT G2 Smart Patch Panels to guide onsite staff, drastically reducint the time required to find and fix a network outage.
Improve Response Time
The MapIT software features a robust search engine. Help desk staff can use this feature to quickly locate any item on your network and view its attributes and connections.
Streamline Work Order Process
Use the integrated MapIT work order module to ensure that order are completed properly. Also, work orders can include pictures of corcuite traces, rack views and floor layouts, providing visual aids for technicians.
Your network may be protected from viruses, hacking and other outside threats, but what about your physical network assets? MapIT G2 helps maintain the security of your network by tracking any physical layer changes such as unauthorized removal of equipment or connection of unapproved devices - telling you exactly when and where a breach occured.
Real-Time Alerts
MapIt can send e-mail alerts to IT or security staff in real time when unauthorized events occur on the network - such as detecting unauthorized devices attempting to connect to your LAN, enhancing enpoint security.
Regulatory Compliance
MapIT maintains an audit log of all network events, simplifiying compliance with reculatory mandates, such as Sarbanes-Oxley, ITIL, HIPPA, FDA 21 CFR Part II, etc.
Better Manage Remote Sites
MapIt provides a real-time view of networks at remote offices, helping to ensure compliance with corporat IT policies and discouraging unauthorized changes to the network.