Main Street Connections, LLC • Jackson, TN

Siemon Z-Max 6a UTP Category 6a System

Z-Max Category 6A UTP Technology

Authorized Dealer & Distributor & Certified Installer • SIEMON

Siemon Logo Siemon's Z-MAX® 6A UTP solution was developed from the ground up with a single goal: shattering the limitations of category 6A UTP cabling as we know it today. Combining paten-pending PCB-based smart plugs, optimized outlets, reduced diameter cable and high-density patch panels, the Z-MAX® 6A UTP system provides outstanding margin on all TIA and ISO performance requirements for category 6A/class EA, including critical alien crosstalk parameters.

And, the innovative Z-TOOLTM termination process eliminates the variability of field terminations, providing faster, more user-friendly and less-error-prone category 6A UTP installations.

Benefits of Siemon Z-MAX® 6A UTP

  • High density 48 port, 1U panels provides the flexibility to maximize rack/cabinet space while maintaining excellent alien crosstalk isolation
  • Insustry's fastest termination time accelerates project completion
  • Guided, tool-based termination process enhances system quality and reliability
  • Hybrid work area outlets can be mounted in either flat or angled orientation
  • Field-terminated outlets or pre-terminated trunking cables can be quickly snapped into patch panels and released enabling rapid deployment or changes
  • Outlet and modular cord color-coding provides te capability to code and customize your cabling system

Optimized for Alien Crosstalk

Diagonal IDC alignment maximizes outlet to outlet pair separation to achieve AXT performance in high-density environments

Reduced Diameter Cable

Siemon's next generation category 6A UTP cable uses an innovative cable construction which results in a smaller, more flexible design to reduce the demands for larger pathway sizing

PCB-based Smart Plug

Z-MAX® cords feature exclusive PCBbased smart plug specifically tuned to maximize overall system performance

Siemon PCB Based Smart Plug


TypeZ-Max Shielded
NEXT3.0 dB
RL3 dB

Performance based on use of 2M cords and 24 cords and 24 1U density. Because Siemons continually improses there product, Siemon reserves the right to change specifications and availability without prior motice.

Z-MAX 6A Warranty

Siemon's Z-MAX® 6A cabling solution is backed by Siemson's exclusive 20-year warranty, providing 100% coverage of products, cabling performance and applications, when installed by a Siemons Certified Installer.